Eyes to See

Last week Ms Hodgkiss in Foundation H invited me to share with her class a little about the concepts of wonder and awe. Often, we don’t think about the difference — of awe being the moment of amazement, and wonder being the questions we have as a consequence of simply noticing what brings us this sense of awe.

It was a joy to have the chance to explore this with the Foundation class and Mrs Hodgkiss. Mrs Williams also made time to come and share her thoughts as well as hear the ideas of our youngest students.

In the lead up to this session, I walked around taking close up photos of the various flowers and leaves that are part of our school gardens. We are fortunate to have such a beautiful variety of plants to enjoy, but it is easy to walk past without noticing. Flicking through the images with the Foundation students, I asked them to guess where the photos had been taken. Guesses included the Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne (a spectacular local attraction, that is well worth a visit). However, the delight as they realized they were from just outside their classroom was gorgeous. They started to identify where the photos had been taken, showing that even in an unconscious way, they had been noticing the beauty of the small things. That ability is something to cultivate at any age but particularly as young children.

It is a wonderful chance to also acknowledge Graeme and Dylan for their tireless work in planting, weeding and rubbish collection — all in an effort to make our gardens and grounds look beautiful. It is greatly appreciated!

But who will be the star?

Rehearsals are underway for our Junior School Christmas Chapel featuring our 75 Year 5 students who will be our hosts. Students are learning lines, dances and songs in preparation to bring this beautiful story of the birth of Jesus to life. Huge thanks to our Junior School teacher Ruth Grant who is working so hard to help create this special Chapel service. Our Junior School Christmas Chapel will be on Thursday 30 November, 9:45 am – 10:30 am.

Sharing the Joy of Christmas in Senior School

In the coming week, Senior School Wellbeing groups will be selecting their donation focus for Christmas and will be invited to contribute an item to their Wellbeing pack. We have different options: Backpacks 4 Vic Kids High Needs pack, Backpacks 4 Vic Kids Stationery pack, Backpacks 4 Vic Kids Toiletries pack, Handbags for women in vulnerable situations and the Pets for the Homeless pet pack.

Recently in assembly students who work were encouraged to consider using some of their income to purchase an item, or alternatively, to speak to adults at home to do some additional chores for payment that could be used to purchase the donation. These are small opportunities to allow our students to sacrifice something of value to them in order to help others.

Any families that would like to donate additionally are, of course, welcome to.

Every blessing to you in the week ahead.

Monique Riviere-Pendle
