Drama Excursion to Fun Home

On Monday, 28 February, VCE Drama and Theatre Studies students travelled to the city to see the hit musical Fun Home at the Arts Centre.

Fun Home tells the story of famous graphic novelist, Alison Bechdel, and her journey from childhood to adulthood—all set to amazing music and wonderfully performed by a talented cast. The students viewed the show as part of their coursework and, overall, the praise for the musical was high. A few students even returned later in the week to see it a second time!

Ben Peake

Head of Year 7/Secondary Drama Teacher

Australian Music Examinations Board Results

Congratulations to the following students who completed their Australian Music Examinations Board exams at the end of 2021. They are:

  • Saxophone Grade 2: Cameron Carr
  • Clarinet Grade 2: Scarlet McClounan
  • Flute Grade 4: Allysha Walls
  • Clarinet Grade 2: Alice Horan
  • Flute Grade 4: Grace Peck

VCE Music Performance

Our Year 12 VCE Music class recently took charge of the music for assembly. They performed Make Me Feel Your Love, originally written by Bob Dylan and based on a version by Adele. Congratulations to Jasmine Casey, Grace Peck and Belinda Kraus for their great performance.

Stuart Collidge

Head of Music