What if…? Finding a greater place for trust, hope and faith

Although it will be different, it is so exciting that we are preparing to once again return to school and be together with one another on the school premises in some vague form of ‘normality’. This week during our church service, we were discussing the concept of ‘normal’ and how we are now hearing so much about the ‘new normal’ and how our lives won’t be ‘normal’ again for some time. The person then shared a definition that spoke to me, that our ‘normal’ is simply the stability of God amidst changing times. As a child, my grandmother had a small card on her mantelpiece that said ‘We don’t know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future’. The sense of trust, hope and faith reflected in it reminds us that we have a God who cares for us, and who will guide us through challenging times.

For me, one of the unexpected blessings has been a greater connection with other Chaplains and Wellbeing workers at different schools. After one of the meetings, a poem was shared, which I would like to leave with you to ponder as a reflection.

What if...?

What if our children learn to have more empathy?

What if our children find a greater level of family connection?

What if our children learn to be creative and to entertain themselves, or develop a newfound love of reading, or learn to express themselves in writing?

What if they learn that home is a place to be, and to dwell, rather than just a place to depart from?

What if they learn to enjoy the simple things – noticing the sounds birds make, or when flowers begin to emerge, or the calming patter of gentle rain?

What if this generation are the ones learning the value of meals at home with family, cooking for themselves each day, without feeling the need to go to out for smashed avocado & a decaf mocha latte?

What if our children are learning to do laundry, and organise their spaces?

What if they learn to stretch a dollar and live with less?

What if they are the ones who place greater value on teachers, librarians, public servants and previously invisible essential support services: like health care workers

What if, amongst our children, a great leader emerges who has the benefit of a slower pace & simpler life, one who truly learns what really matters in life?

What if these children are not disadvantaged, but are actually AHEAD?

What if...?

May you feel God’s presence with you and your family during this time. I pray that we might feel a greater connection to one another, to our homes and to those we love.

Mrs Monique Riviere-Pendle
