Book Week

‘The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read’ ~ Mark Twain

The excitement from Senior School students (and teachers) in the lead up to Book Week suggests that we are surrounded by passionate readers. Well done to those who came dressed as their favourite book character on Friday, and to those who have sparked the interest of others to read something new!

Upcoming VCE dates:


    Wednesday 7 September

    Scheduled Year 11 and Year 12 classes will not run on this day
    Students undertaking a Unit 3/4 subject are required at school by 9am.

    Mock exams

    Friday 16 to Thursday 22 September
    All students undertaking a scored Unit 3/4 subject are required to sit practise exams
    Timetables have been distributed to students.

    Revision Lectures

    Tuesday 4 to Friday 14 October
    All students undertaking a scored Unit 3/4 subject will have revision lectures at school
    Timetables will be distributed to students shortly.

    Last day of classes

    Tuesday 18 October

    Valedictory Assembly

    Wednesday 19 October 9am

    Valedictory Dinner

    Wednesday 19 October 6.30pm

    Gumbuya World Function Centre
    Invitations will be sent to families of Year 12 students shortly.

    From the Environment Captain

    As you may recall, we implemented a battery recycling program earlier last term.

    The collection buckets are filling up, and soon we will be taking these batteries to a location where they can be recycled appropriately. Please continue to bring in used batteries and place them in your respective House bucket.

    The collection point is in the teachers’ office in the Science building. Please remember to tape the end of the batteries first.

    A big thank you to all students and staff who have contributed already. Remember that small steps lead to big changes!

    Gurleen K

    Environment Captain

    From the Social Justice Captain

    As part of the World Vision 40-Hour Famine, we held an activity day on Monday 29 August.

    We gave up heating in the Year 7 Centre on this day, and for a gold coin donation, students were able to bring blankets to school for classes that were scheduled in the Year 7 Centre.

    The aim of this day was not only to give the students a chance to experience what it may be like for others in countries where the heating is not reliable, or even existent, but also to raise awareness of the 40-Hour Famine, a fundraising initiative through World Vision.

    It would be greatly appreciated if families would consider donating. As a school community, we are looking to raise as much as we can for this worthy cause.

    We have a school donation page and all the money we raise from the gold coins will also be donated. Please donate using this link:

    Noku K

    Social Justice Captain

    Science Week

    The theme for this year’s Science Week was Glass – more than meets the eye, which had staff and students participating in a range of activities involving glass or glass-like materials.

    Students also participated in the Casey Daily Quiz, where questions were based on such topics as scientific collective nouns and ‘scientist or…’.

    Some very eager students participated in the Education Perfect Science Championships, and I am pleased to say that we came first in Victoria out of 453 schools who participated!

    A big congratulations must go to 7C who had 4 out of the top 5 Casey Grammar students.

    On Monday, students set scorpions or moth wings into resin to produce some beautiful pieces.

    At the Assembly on Tuesday, the Heads of House and Head of Year 7 competed against each other to see who would be the most accurate at performing a titration, using specialised glassware. Mr Brown was very pleased to be deemed the winner!

    At lunchtime on Tuesday, students began making their beautiful glass tile coasters, and returned on Wednesday to finish them off. There are certainly some wonderful creations!

    Wednesday also saw Mr Tutera use some more glassware that can be found in a Science Laboratory when he demonstrated the distillation of rosemary oil to intrigued students.

    On Thursday, we made some 3D images using plastic to mimic glass. There were many gasps as the students saw their images come to life.

    On Friday, the Bake-Off winners were announced. Congratulations to the four students who made some wonderful cakes based on the themes of science, best decorated and most creative.

    Thank you to all of the science staff for organising these fantastic events, and to the students for their participation.

    Kylie Rose
    Head of Science