Community Care
Casey Grammar is going to be creating another community video of drawings and messages, but this time for our hard working Health Care workers who are on the frontline of this pandemic. We are well aware of the way in which they are putting their own health at risk to treat those who need it, and are, in the cases of those who have sadly passed away, often the last ones to be with individuals. We want to encourage them and honour them for their work. The clip will be sent to all the major hospitals with COVID wards. Students across the school are welcome to participate, but we are also opening it up to parents/ guardians.
If you would like to send a message to be included, simply forward it by Monday 14 September.
We have already received some wonderful contributions. Below is an image submitted by Lilli Blommestein, Year 12.

A model of resilience and strength
This week I had the privilege of watching Anh’s Brush with Fame where he interviewed the incredible Sophie Delezio. Some of you may remember that as a young child, her daycare centre was hit by a car which subsequently burst into flames, causing 85% burns to her two year old body. A few years later whilst her mother was crossing the road with her in the stroller, a man, blinded by the sun, hit Sophie in her stroller. This unimaginable combination of events has led to many operations. Early on, her parents were asked if they wanted to turn off her life support. However, they did not. Now, as an 18 year old woman her perspective on life, her resilience and strength is utterly moving and remarkable. She is a testament to the love of her parents, and her own spirit.
In these times when looking to hope in the future can be challenging, I would highly recommend watching it; a bright beacon of light.
As we move towards the final few weeks of term, and the numbers start to dramatically drop from their peak, we cautiously look to what next term might bring. In closing, I leave with you a verse from 1 Peter 5:7 which reminds us that the invitation is always there to ‘Cast all our anxiety on God, because God cares for us’. There is much to cause concern, some of which we can control, and some of which we cannot. For that which we cannot, handing over our concerns, fears and anxiety about the future to God can be a powerful action.
Every blessing to you all in the coming fortnight.
Mrs Monique Riviere-Pendle