Message from Mercedees Lynch - School Captain

Click here to view a video message from one of the School Captains, Mercedees Lynch

A Students Perspective on Remote Learning

In light of recent times, this year’s experience of school hasn’t turned out the way we expected. The transition to remote learning is something no one planned for, and things have definitely turned out to be interesting, to say the least. “Can’t wait to see my friends again!” and “finally, I don’t have to see my friends anymore” are just a few of the things I’ve heard while conversing with my peers. Mixed emotions are going around about the situation at hand. Some people love the alone time, and others are not so keen. In terms of learning and work, I feel that we are now more than ever in charge of getting things done and finding the motivation to get out of bed. Personally speaking, the soft pillow caressing my head in the morning has never made me feel more defeated… “just a little bit longer” it says… “five more minutes won’t hurt… your laptop is only a few feet away…” “Stay in bed just a little longer…”

Ahem. Anyways, taking care of one’s mental health should be a top priority. Adjusting to remote learning hasn’t been easy for some, and others are still working towards this goal, but it is also important to stay positive, and look on the bright side in times like these. As a result of everything that has happened over the last few months, it provides not just our students but also everyone in the broader community with an opportunity to build resilience in a time of adversity. Upon returning to school or work, we will have a newfound appreciation for things we might’ve previously taken for granted. We’ll begin to appreciate the company of our friends and teachers a lot more, along with the safe and friendly learning environment we are fortunate enough to have. It is essential to take care of yourself and the people around you. Keep in touch with friends and family, explore new hobbies, take care of yourself, and everything will be back to normal in no time!

Rohan Pahwa

Communications Captain