From the Head of Junior School
The last fortnight has been extremely busy in the Junior School at CGS. We enjoyed an evening of superb entertainment at our Instrumental Soiree. Students from all year levels performed using many different instruments. I was fortunate to attend the woodwind and voice concert where the calibre of the performances was high class. Sincere thanks to Mrs Kyne and our wonderful Performing Arts staff for running such a successful evening of music. Congratulations to all our students who performed.
We have also celebrated Book Week with not only our fabulous annual Dress Up Parade, but also all Foundation – 6 students attended Book Week incursions that were organised by our library staff, Mrs Thompson, Mrs Mueller and Miss Birch. Sincere thanks ladies! Foundation – 2 students attended a presentation from Perform Education that centred around the short-listed books for this year’s Book Week and the children enjoyed storytelling, singing and dancing.
Years 3 and 4 students enjoyed an author visit from Amelia Mellor. She is an Australian author who has written some great fantasy/historical fiction, including the Grandest Bookshop in the World. Our Years 5 and 6 students were lucky enough to have a visit from author, Karen Comer. She is an Australian who was shortlisted for her book Grace Notes this year.
The students from Foundation H hosted their assembly and what a fabulous performance it was! We certainly learnt that the magic of reading books can pique our curiosity and capture our imagination. The students wore beautiful costumes, spoke confidently and inspired us through the story of their Imagination factory. We left the PAC feeling inspired for the remainder of our Book Week celebrations. Reading certainly brings us joy. Huge congratulations to the very talented Mrs Hodgkiss and her wonderful students.
Year 5 students arrived at school very early last week to board buses for their Sovereign Hill excursion. Despite the long trips there and back, the day was enjoyed by all as they stepped back in time to the gold rush era of the 1850s. It offered students a hands-on experience of history, including gold panning, watching live demonstrations of 19th-century trades and exploring historic buildings and streetscapes.
Sincere thanks to our wonderful staff, Mrs Black, Ms Burns, Mrs Mace, Mr Pendle and Ms Parnell for all their efforts organising and attending the day.
Many Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 students have been involved in Hooptime and Casey Cup netball over the past two weeks. Thanks to all our staff who accompanied them to the Casey Stadium courts where our students played well and represented CGS with distinction. I would like to remind parents that when attending school sporting events, our expectations for parents are in line with those we have for our students and staff, and they include demonstrating good sporting conduct, fair play and inclusion.
Our Year 4 students spent a fabulous day at the Royal Melbourne Zoo. They attended educational sessions and visited many animal enclosures, and the weather was beautiful. Thanks to Mr Bell, Mrs Harvie, Mrs Britton-Bird, Mrs Grant, Mrs Barnes and Mrs Humphries for ensuring our students had such a fabulous day.
Father’s Day has come and gone again, and I would like to sincerely thank our hard working PFC who once again have run a fabulous Father’s Day stall and Father’s Day morning tea.
Hoping all our dads, grandfathers and special friends had a wonderful Father’s Day.
Melissa Roberton
Head of Junior School
Junior School Production
The countdown has begun!
With only a few weeks until our production of ‘What a Knight’, all of our students from Year 3 through to Year 6 have been very busy preparing their songs for you.
Last week, students participated in a sound recording day to create the vocal tracks for the show – and they sound fantastic!
Students will be participating in a full-dress rehearsal on 5th September – so please ensure that your child brings their costume in a clearly labelled bag.
Can our unlikely heroes – Watt, Fergie and Dusty Dragon rescue the Princesses, save Excalibur and defeat the evil Black Knight?

To find out the answer to this question and more – book your tickets now!
To purchase tickets for either Wednesday 18th or Thursday 19th September – please visit
Casey Netball Cup and 3-4 Hoop Time
Recently, students from Years 3-6 participated in the Casey Cup Netball competition at Casey Stadium. It was a great day out, with a number of both girls and mixed teams competing. Well done to all involved for their participation and a big thankyou to Bella E and Sienna K (Year 10) for coaching on the day.

The years 5/6 Hoop Time basketball competition took place at Casey Stadium last week. Six teams competed against a large number of schools from across the region, ranging from All Stars to Rookies. It was great to see so many students sign up for this popular annual event.
3-4 Hoop Time
This week, the Years 3-4 students also ventured to Casey Stadium for their Hoop Time event. All teams competed to a very high standard and had lots of fun. A huge congratulations to the Year 3-4 Girls All Stars team, the Casey Grammar Opals, who won all their matches before taking out the Grand Final! They will now progress to the Regional championships next term. Well done girls!

Thanks to all staff involved in the events for coaching and organizing their teams throughout the day.
Jeff Batey
Junior School P.E Teacher